Prevent a second burnout and escape
the job that drains you through finding a
meaningful and fulfilling career!

Prevent a second burnout and escape
the job that drains you through finding a
meaningful and fulfilling career!



You’ll never be able to trade your current state of surviving to thriving if your passion has transformed into a paralyzing lack of focus and follow through that has left you feeling uninspired, unfulfilled, and just stuck in a job you hate.

It’s time to take action! No more settling for a job that drains your energy and that’s making you unhappy.
You need to shift your current mental state of mind and start powering through your days. Say no to burn out and wasted days in a job you hate.

Does the following sound familiar?...

Then The Career Change Coaching Program


Imagine this:
You wake up feeling energized and excited about your day ahead. You no longer drag yourself out of bed but instead you start your morning with enthusiasm. your work doesn’t drain you; instead, it leaves you feeling fulfilled and motivated.

You’re finally in a role where you feel like your work has purpose. You know you’re contributing to something bigger. You’ve identified what truly drives you and found a career that aligns with your desire to make a positive impact. You’re no longer stuck in a job that feels meaningless.

Your creativity is thriving again. You’re engaged in projects that allow you to think outside the box, innovate, and bring fresh ideas to the table. Work is no longer a chore but something you look forward to because it challenges you and lets you use your creative talents.

You realize that fulfillment and happiness are more valuable than just a high salary or social status. You’ve found a role that offers both financial security and the emotional satisfaction you crave. The trade-off was worth it, and now you’re both content and financially stable.

You’re finally in a role that aligns with your strengths and passions. You’re regularly using your talents. Every day feels like you’re living up to your full potential, and you feel valued for the unique skills you bring.

I have been recognized as one of the Top 16 Coaches in Amsterdam for 2024!

This honor highlights my dedication to helping women achieve their full potential. You can read more about this achievement in the full article here.

The experience of working with me


What will have changed after doing my program...

Having clarity on what you want in life and confidence to take action and create the life you love is so worth it!

You’ll feel excited to start the day. You’ll feel like you have more focus and balance in life, and you will feel confident you are headed in the right direction at last.

Having clarity on what you want in life and confidence to take action and create the life you love is so worth it!

You’ll feel excited to start the day. You’ll feel like you have more focus and balance in life, and you will feel confident you are headed in the right direction.

The Career Change Coaching Program
is for you if...

The Career Change Coaching Program is for you if...

  • You’re ready to do big work in the world, but aren’t exactly clear on what that is or how to start.

  • You are ready for change and willing to dig in deep and get to know yourself on a whole different level.

  • You are ready to make some big career changes in your life but aren’t exactly clear on what those changes are or how to start.

  • You’re interested in personal development and realize that this isn’t just leaping into something completely different, it’s creating a whole new you.

  • You are done with playing small, ready to ditch procrastination and perfectionism.

  • You are excited and ready to become the most confident version of yourself and live your best life.


“Life will only change when you
become more committed to your dreams
than you are to your comfort zone.”

“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.”



Together we will create a roadmap and actionable steps to get you moving in the right direction.

You will discover a sense of who you are, what you value, what drives you, and what makes you feel more confident.

You will learn to enjoy living life on your terms and make yourself and your needs a priority by only doing things that bring you JOY.

No more overthinking and letting yourself or others stand in your way of your own success story!

“Kristy asks you the right powerful questions to help you figure out who you are and what you want out of life”



This program will get you from feeling miserable in a job to finding your dream career. The program offers a TalentScan report and elaborate evaluation to help you discover what your natural talents and qualities are, what gives you energy and which jobs and tasks suit you best. As well as bi-weekly coaching with accountability support for women who are feeling unfulfilled in their job, who are ready to discover what they really want and gain unshakable confidence so that they can find a career they love.

The Career Change 1:1 Coaching Program

  • Having a meaningful, fulfilling, and purposeful career.

  • Discovering what you truly want so you can feel inspired and excited to live your best life.

  • Having unshakable confidence, self-esteem, and believing in yourself to get out of your comfort zone.

  • Prioritizing yourself and your happiness to gain the courage to find
    your true passions.

  • Making better choices, having a clear direction, focusing on what
    you want, setting boundaries and being able to say no.

  • Truly accepting and appreciating all aspects of yourself and
    wholeheartedly owning your self-worth to achieve your dreams.

  • Connecting to your true authentic self and becoming the best version of yourself without the fear of others opinions.

  • Being able to add value and give back to society.
  • Pre-coaching questionnaire


  • An inspiring, thought-provoking and reflective questionionnaire to give you clarity on what you want to achieve from your coaching series. This can be ground-breaking and life affirming in and of itself.


  • 1 x 30 minutes complimentary consult – We will connect on a 30 minutes call to dig deeper into your questionnaire and get clear on what you want to achieve and make sure we are the right fit for each other. You’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions to make sure you are fully informed before our coaching series begins.


  • 1 x 2 hour coaching call including TalentScan report and elaborate evaluation – This powerful session is done to help you discover what your natural talents and qualities are, what gives you energy and which jobs and tasks suit you best. The TalentScan also shows what your pitfalls are, what depletes your energy and which tasks you should rather avoid doing all together.


  • 1 x 60 minutes coaching call for intention and goal setting -This powerful session is all about setting your intentions and goals that will form the base of your coaching series. I will guide you through my comprehensive goal-setting process to help you get clarity on what you truly want and together we set some inspiring goals for you to achieve by the end of our coaching series together.


  • 4 x 60 minutes bi-weekly coaching calls – Bi-weekly calls via Zoom for local or international clients offer support that is transformative, expansive, supportive, and nurturing. We will discuss strategies, action plans and the next steps to keep you moving in between sessions.


  • Unlimited high-level email & WhatsApp message support – in between our sessions for questions, your action steps work, advise, insights or for a confidence boost.


  • Personal 1:1 support and guidance through the entire 3 month coaching series.


Worksheets, resources, and recommendations specifically tailored to your personal coaching journey.

Ready to fulfill your dreams?

This program is for
you if...

  • You are not happy with your current job, and you finally want to
    make a change by finding a career you love.

  • You want to live your life on your terms and find out what you are
    truly passionate about.

  • You want to use all your skills, talents, and passions.

  • You are ready to ditch procrastination and perfectionism and finally
    take action.

  • You are ready to become the most confident version of yourself so
    that you dare to get out of your comfort zone, face your fears and
    make your dreams a reality.

  • You want to live a meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life.

  • You are not happy with your current job, and you finally want to make a change by finding a career you love.

  • You want to live your life on your terms and find out what you are truly passionate about.

  • You want to use all your skills, talents, and passions.

  • You are ready to ditch procrastination and perfectionism and finally take action.

  • You are ready to become the most confident version of yourself so that you dare to get out of your comfort zone, face your fears and make your dreams a reality.

  • You want to live a meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life.

This program is NOT
for you if...

  • You are not willing to put in the work (I see huge transformation and
    progress in my clients when they implement what they have

  • You are not willing to work on your mindset (changing your mindset
    is key for achieving your goals).

  • You are not willing to take action.

  • You are not ready to take full responsibility for your life.

  • You are not willing to put in the work (I see huge transformation and progress in my clients when they implement what they have learned).

  • You are not willing to work on your mindset (changing your mindset is key for achieving your goals).

  • You are not willing to take action.

  • You are not ready to take full responsibility for your life.

Frequently asked questions

For how long are you prepared to go on like this? What is your current situation costing you and your mental health? How will things be in a year from now? Will anything have changed? How will you be feeling then? Are you going to settle for a job that you need to recover from in the weekends? Are you going to settle for a job that drains your energy and that’s making you unhappy?

I know it’s scary to leap into something completely new. I know it’s scary to open up your heart and soul and tell me your deepest desires, especially if we have never met. I want you to know that you matter and your desires, dreams, thoughts and opinions do too. It’s my goal to create a safe space during our coaching sessions together where everything and all emotions are welcome. No topic is off limits!

Investing in something is always scary. Maybe you are wondering whether the program is worth the money? What if you don’t get the results that you are hoping for?
Maybe you are wondering whether you are worth the investment?

I always ask myself two very important questions when I make an investment:

  1. What is it mentally and emotionally costing me to be stuck in a situation where I’m unhappy?
  2. What is it worth to me to invest in myself and to feel fulfilled and happy in life?

Are there certain purchases that you can refrain from buying in the coming weeks (that new pair of shoes, the expensive winter jacket, or another bag?) Trust me, another handbag might make you happy for a day but obtaining more material stuff is not going to make you happy in the long run. If you want lasting happiness and find your dream career or business, you need to turn inwards and work on yourself and, your mindset.

I also offer an extended payment plan (You pay 470 per month for 3 months)

Let me ask you this — do you have time to keep wasting time NOT figuring this out? There is no good time to take the chance and dive in — you need to decide that you want it badly enough, and then GO for it. It’s always going to be scary.

It’s all about setting priorities. What are you spending your time on right now? Is it making you happy? How can you make time? Life will always be busy. You need to make time for what’s important to you.

Let me tell you sweetheart, you will never feel 100% ready so you might as well just start today. Think about it, where do you want to be in the coming 3, 6 or 12 months? Do you want to be stuck in the same situation or do you want to have changed, developed, and grown into the women you were meant to be all along?

And I know you are tired of waiting for the perfect time. The fact that you are here tells me you are ready (even if it’s scary!)

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.


Are you ready to gain unshakable confidence, step out of your comfort zone and find a career or business you love? Then book a Free Consultation today!

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and mindset matters. confidence, and mindset matters.

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