Have you recently experienced a burnout?
Does your job feel meaningless?
Are you longing to find a fulfilling career
that excites you and get you jumping out of bed?

Have you recently experienced a burnout?
your job feel meaningless?
Are you longing to find a fulfilling career that excites you and get you jumping out of bed?

I help women like you discover what you want, gain unshakable
confidence & step out of your comfort zone so that you can find
your dream career.

I help women like you discover what you want, gain unshakable confidence & step out of your comfort zone so that you can find your dream career.

Download my FREE E-book - Escaping the job that drains you: A guide to finding a career you love

Your current struggles are real...

When your boss assigns another project, you immediately feel your chest tighten. You worry that project might tip you over the edge into another burnout. You find yourself withdrawing from social activities, declining invitations from friends because you’re too exhausted and overwhelmed to think about anything other than work.

You’re sitting in a meeting, listening to your team discuss strategies for increasing profits and cutting costs. While others are excited about hitting targets, you can’t help but feel disconnected. “Is this it?” you wonder. You scroll through social media during lunch and see stories of people working for charities, startups with a social mission, or others launching projects that contribute positively to society. You begin questioning if you’re wasting your potential in a job that has no real impact.

It’s a Friday afternoon, and while everyone else is thrilled about the weekend, you’re more relieved than excited. The workweek has felt like a long, draining slog. You feel like you’re stuck in a loop of repetitive tasks and uninspired meetings. You’re frustrated because you know you’re capable of so much more and you feel like all your creativity has gone to waste.

You just checked your bank account to see if your salary has been deposited. As you pays bills and notices the comfortable buffer left over, you think, “If I leave my job, will I still have this stability?”

In meetings, you have ideas and solutions, but the company culture doesn’t encourage outside-the-box thinking. Instead, the focus is always on doing things the “traditional” way. You bite your tongue, knowing your talents are being overlooked.

What will happen if you don't act now...

What will happen if you
don't act now...

Then why wait? Life is short and this is not a practice round! Let me help you figure out what you really want.

Together we will learn what is keeping you in your comfort zone and I will help to create a roadmap that

will get you the career you’ve been dreaming of!

Then why wait? Life is short and this is not a practice round! Let me help you figure out what you really want. Together we will learn what is keeping you in your comfort zone and I will help to create a roadmap that will get you the career you’ve been dreaming of!


Does this story sound familiar?

Your career skyrocketed, and you climbed the professional ladder quickly. Then, unexpectedly, it all came to a stop due to burnout. After taking some time off and seeking therapy, you regained your energy and returned to work. But now, you realize the work that once drove you is no longer fulfilling or energizing.

Despite being good at what you do, your job feels meaningless, and you don’t enjoy it anymore.
You crave more creativity and freedom in your work.

Alarmingly, burnout symptoms are returning, and you’re determined not to go down that path again. Your current burnout symptoms aren’t due to work pressure, perfectionism, or boundary-setting issues; therapy has equipped you to handle those.

The real issue is that you're occupied with tasks that neither make you happy nor benefit the world. You know you want a change but aren’t sure what or how to make the switch. You've spent your career adapting to societal expectations, but now it’s time to focus on what makes you genuinely happy and fulfilled.

You want to give back to society and make a meaningful impact. You want to use your natural talents, that you are currently not using. During your burnout recovery, doing creative activities re-energized you, but now, back at work, you lack the time for these activities, which is troubling you.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and the thought of leaving your stable pay check for the unknown is frightening. However, deep down, you believe you can earn a living through more creative and meaningful work.

You question whether to throw away your studies and diplomas, your entire career, and your salary.

The fear of making that leap is real.

Yet, you also know that ignoring this feeling could lead to another burnout.
You’re ready to find meaningful and creative work that aligns with your natural talents.
Let me help you discover a career that ignites your inner fire!

Your career skyrocketed, and you climbed the professional ladder quickly. Then, unexpectedly, it all came to a stop due to burnout. After taking some time off and seeking therapy, you regained your energy and returned to work. But now, you realize the work that once drove you is no longer fulfilling or energizing.

Despite being good at what you do, your job feels meaningless, and you don’t enjoy it anymore.
You crave more creativity and freedom in your work.

Alarmingly, burnout symptoms are returning, and you’re determined not to go down that path again. Your current burnout symptoms aren’t due to work pressure, perfectionism, or boundary-setting issues; therapy has equipped you to handle those.

The real issue is that you're occupied with tasks that neither make you happy nor benefit the world. You know you want a change but aren’t sure what or how to make the switch. You've spent your career adapting to societal expectations, but now it’s time to focus on what makes you genuinely happy and fulfilled.

You want to give back to society and make a meaningful impact. You want to use your natural talents, that you are currently not using. During your burnout recovery, doing creative activities re-energized you, but now, back at work, you lack the time for these activities, which is troubling you.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and the thought of leaving your stable pay check for the unknown is frightening. However, deep down, you believe you can earn a living through more creative and meaningful work.

You question whether to throw away your studies and diplomas, your entire career, and your salary.

The fear of making that leap is real.

Yet, you also know that ignoring this feeling could lead to another burnout.
You’re ready to find meaningful and creative work that aligns with your natural talents.
Let me help you discover a career that ignites your inner fire!

Here’s the hard truth...

Unhappiness in your job, has a huge negative effect on everything in your life, affecting your general mood and the people around you.

If you are feeling unfulfilled at work, chances are you find yourself drinking way too much coffee or redbull just to bring your energy levels up, and with the added stress and anxiety, you are too exhausted to hit the gym after work to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle, and instead find yourself sitting on the sofa, watching Netflix with a bag of Doritos in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

You’re miserable most of the time, snappy at your partner and too tired to play with your kids which is causing you to have mom guilt.

Your friends are wondering where that fun confident woman has gone as you find yourself cancelling plans with them most of the time. Even the thought of a social night out with the girls is exhausting.

You’ve tried fixing and changing everything in your outer world. You did the right studies, had the right jobs and extra-curricular activities all to build up your CV to then land your “dream” job. Now that you are living in this reality you created you realize that you are living someone else’s dream and that this career path is not the right fit.

You’re constantly dreaming of new possibilities and know that you are meant for so much more, but you don’t exactly know what that looks like. Every personality quiz online, every psychologist you’ve spoken to, and even all the career books you’ve read, has left you feeling more confused and clueless and nothing seems to help guide you in the direction that feels right.

You’re stuck and unfulfilled because you lack clarity in what you want to do. Your confidence in your skills and talents has failed you, and your fear of making life altering changes makes you feel overwhelmed, drained and pitiful on the inside, even though the rest of the world views you as succesful on the outside.

Darling, is this really how you want to live your life??

Unhappiness in your job, has a huge negative effect on everything in your life, affecting your general mood and the people around you.

If you are feeling unfulfilled at work, chances are you find yourself drinking way too coffee or redbull just to bring your energy levels up, and with the added stress and anxiety, you are too exhausted to hit the gym after work to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle, and instead find yourself sitting on the sofa, watching Netflix with a bag of Doritos in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

You’re miserable most of the time, snappy at your partner and too tired to play with your kids which is causing you to have mom guilt.

Your friends are wondering where that fun confident woman has gone as you find yourself cancelling plans with them most of the time. Even the thought of a social night out with the girls is exhausting.

You’ve tried fixing and changing everything in your outer world. You did the right studies, had the right jobs and extra-curricular activities all to build up your CV to then land your “dream” job. Now that you are living in this reality you created you realize that you are living someone else’s dream and that this career path is not the right fit.

You’re constantly dreaming of new possibilities and know that you are meant for so much more, but you don’t exactly know what that looks like. Every personality quiz online, every psychologist you’ve spoken to, and even all the career books you’ve read, has left you feeling more confused and clueless and nothing seems to help guide you in the direction that feels right.

You’re stuck and unfulfilled because you lack clarity in what you want to do. Your confidence in your skills and talents has failed you, and your fear of making life altering changes makes you feel overwhelmed, drained and pitiful on the inside, even though the rest of the world views you as succesful on the outside.

Darling, is this really how you want to live your life??

What if instead of...

You could...

Guess what?


YOU are the only person standing in your way of living your dream life!

If you want to radically change your life around then you radically need to change your mindset. It all starts with YOU and your decision to change.

And I suppose that’s what lead you to me?

Circumstances will never be perfect and the time may never seem right. Infact you may never be 100% ready. Time is short and as it passes you by so does new opportunities. YOU and only YOU can make the decision to make that life altering change.

There is no better time than the presence to take control of your life, to find out what your unique talents are and to develop an empowering
that will propel you into the direction you never knew was possible.

Take hold of the reins of your life, get in the driver’s seat and take action that will bring you to your purpose lead success.

So what are you waiting for?

Go ahead an book your first complimentary call with me and let’s begin this jouney of discovery together!

Go ahead and book your first free consultation with me and
let’s begin this journey of discovery together!

“It's a beautiful thing when a career and a
passion come together.”

Hi, I’m Kristy Weterings


I get you, I have been through the same struggles that you are going through right now.

I know what it’s like to feel stuck, lost, and unsure of your direction in life.

My approach is to help you get unstuck, figure out what you really want and gain unshakable confidence to be your true authentic self so that you can express yourself freely and go after your wildest dreams without worrying about what others think.

My Mission

My mission is to help you find the clarity and confidence to take your next big step to a fulfilling career. I help you improve the relationship and deepen the connection that you have with yourself so that you can truly figure out what you really want.

Through working with me you learn how to prioritize yourself, become aware of what negative beliefs are holding you back and unbecome who you think you need to be so that you can step into the most confident version of yourself and create a life you love and deserve.

My mission is to help you find the clarity and confidence to take your next big step to a fulfilling career or business. I help you improve the relationship and deepen the connection that you have with yourself so that you can truly figure out what you really want. Through working with me you learn how to prioritize yourself, become aware of what negative beliefs are holding you back and unbecome who you think you need to be so that you can step into the most confident version of yourself and create a life you love and deserve.

Download my FREE E-book - Escaping the job that drains you: A guide to finding a career you love

as seen in...

My article on the five conscious steps to help you
find your dream career has been published in the Odyssey Magazine. Read the article here ->

I have been recognized as one of the Top 16 Coaches in Amsterdam for 2024!

This honor highlights my dedication to helping women achieve their full potential. You can read more about this achievement in the full article here.

What it’s like working with me...

“Before I started coaching with Kristy I was indecisive about what I want for my career and life. I had so many ideas, so many dreams, but I couldn’t make a decision which made me feel stuck. After coaching with Kristy I was finally able to make a decision, I know where I’m going and I have plan for my future career and life. I feel that now everything is aligned with what I want. I’m an expat in a foreign country and not only did Kristy help me find out what I want in my career, I also gained a lot of insights into who I am. Kristy also helped me to be more positive about a lot of things through working on my mindset. She has a lot of world knowledge and comes up with many ideas and options which really helped me a lot in my own decision making process. I loved coaching with Kristy and I didn’t want it to stop. Therefore we will continue our coaching sessions with a new set of goals.” - ESTELLE BROODRYK, Project Engineer at PM Group

“Kristy and I connected before we started our coaching journey together. So I already knew how genuine, interested and inspiring she is. That’s why I was convinced that I wanted her as a coach to help me define my goals regarding my career. Kristy guided me through my process of learning how to follow my intuition better and make inspired choices in my career and work life. She helped me get to know myself better and find out what I really want in my career.” - ELZE VAN DRIEL Video and Podcast Editor at NRC Media

“Before working with Kristy I had so many projects and ideas, that it caused me to be unclear about what I really wanted in my career. Through coaching with Kristy I discovered what mat- tered to me most and what I should focus on. Kristy helped me clear my head, motivated me to take that important first step forward knowing that I CAN do it, and that I am worth the success of starting my own business. Kristy helped me discover what is most important to me regarding my work-life balance, and to recognize when I’m trying to live up to other people’s expectations of me and not setting clear boundaries. I needed to get that push and self-esteem to get out of my own head in order to see what I really want in my career, to uderstand myself and to follow my own heart. I experienced Kristy’s coaching as very positive and motivating. Investing in coaching is something everyone should do to get motivated and a clear view of the road ahead in your career. Kristy is absolutely lovely to speak with! She makes it both comfortable and creates an environment of trust which makes it so easy to open up to her.” - HANNA SOFIA VALLESPIR Inbound Manager at GO!StudyScandinavia

Restoring Clarity, Confidence & Calm

Here’s how we can work together if you’re ready to discover new possibilities!

Discover your purpose, live your passion!

  • TalentScan report and elaborate evaluation to help you discover what your natural talents and qualities are, what gives you energy and which jobs and tasks suit you best.

  • Bi-weekly coaching with accountability support for ambitious women who are feeling stuck and are ready to find a career or business they love.

Discover your purpose, live your passion!

  • TalentScan report and elaborate evaluation to help you discover what your natural talents and qualities are, what gives you energy and which jobs and tasks suit you best.

  • Bi-weekly coaching with accountability support for ambitious women who are feeling stuck and are ready to find a career or business they love.

  • A one off 1.5 hour, 1:1 coaching session

  • Discover in a 1.5 hour 1:1 coaching session what your natural talents and qualities are, what gives you energy and which jobs and tasks suit you best.

  • A one off 90 minutes, 1:1 power coaching session for ambitious women who want to cut to the chase and get to the bottom of their current challenge, tricky situation or that one area in their work life that needs tweaking.

  • If you’re needing a boost of inner confidence and self belief, get unstuck and get clarity on that important decision you need to make then this is for you.

Sign up and join my community. In my newsletter I share tips and insights about career, confidence, and mindset matters. confidence, and mindset matters.

Follow me on my socials where I share inspiring content, tips and fun stuff about my daily life and travels!
