as seen in...

My article on the five conscious steps to help you find your dream career has been published in the Odyssey Magazine.
Read the article here ->

I’m thrilled to announce that I have been recognized as one of the Top 16 Coaches in Amsterdam for 2024!

This honor highlights my dedication to helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential. You can read more about this achievement in the full article here.

A Blog for women needing motivation or inspiration to transform.

A blog for women who are feeling stuck in their job and who want to get out of their comfort zone, so that they can find their dream career.
Concrete tips, insights and personal experiences about career, confidence and mindset matters.

Manifesting is all about the belief that our thoughts are energy. Manifesting aims to put the individual in the driver’s seat of their own life and makes them responsible for the positive and negative effects in their lives....

They immediately start thinking about their purpose, why they are here on earth, what they came here to do, their mission and they make it so big and scary that they worry that they don’t have a passion, and that they will never be able...

Gratitude is not just about good manners like saying thank you, it’s about thinking about what you are grateful for in your life, about what is going right in your life. And really feeling this. Really feeling thankful because when we feel thankful it’s impossible...
