I have finally found my dream career and I can't wait to help you find yours!

I have finally found my dream career and I can't wait to help you find yours!

You deserve to have a meaningful and fulfilling career

My Vision

My vision is to help my clients create a career that feels deeply aligned with who they truly are. It’s not just about finding a job, but about rediscovering their core values, strengths, and passions so that work becomes fulfilling and energizing rather than draining.

I believe that when your career aligns with your authentic self, it has a transformative impact on every aspect of your life. From your relationships to your overall well-being.

My approach guides clients to gain clarity, build confidence, and make meaningful career choices that allow them to live a life of purpose and balance.

IMy vision is to help my clients create a career that feels deeply aligned with who they truly are. It’s not just about finding a job, but about rediscovering their core values, strengths, and passions so that work becomes fulfilling and energizing rather than draining.

I believe that when your career aligns with your authentic self, it has a transformative impact on every aspect of your life. From your relationships to your overall well-being.

My approach guides clients to gain clarity, build confidence, and make meaningful career choices that allow them to live a life of purpose and balance.


“Finding your passion isn’t just about
careers and money. It’s about finding your
authentic self. The one you’ve buried beneath
other people’s needs.”

- Kristin Hannah

My story...

I have lived most of my life according to what I believed society expected from me. The right studies, the extracurricular activities, the office jobs, all to build up my CV in the hope of one day landing that dream job, meanwhile I had no clue what that was or what that would look like.

I wasn’t doing all that for me, I was doing it to fit in because I thought that is what’s expected of me from my family, friends, and colleagues.

For many years I was feeling very lost and confused because I had no clue what I wanted to do in my career.

I ended up hopping from one job to the next, hoping that the next job would be more fulfilling, but it wasn’t.

I also didn’t know what to look for in a new job. I had no idea what I was good at, what truly gives me energy or what I was passionate about.

I knew I wasn’t on the right path, but I didn’t know how to get off it and in which direction to head instead.

All I knew was that I wanted to do something meaningful, exciting, and fulfilling. I wanted to give back to society and contribute to making the world a better place.

I decided to really dig in deep and instead of trying to find the answer somewhere out there I turned inwards. I did a lot of inner work, read many books, followed various life coaching trainings, and started a yoga and meditation practice.

I have always had a passion for psychology and understanding human behaviour.

In my spare time I’ve always been reading books about personal development and what makes people happy in life.

After about two years of soul searching, I suddenly had all the answers. It was as if all the puzzle pieces of my life came together and fell into place, at last! I then combined all my passions, skills and interests which led me to becoming a Career Coach and I never looked back.

Suddenly it all made perfect sense. I have been struggling for so many years myself trying to figure out what kind of job would really make me happy.

During this search I felt extremely lost, and I deeply wished I had someone by my side who could help me figure out what I wanted.

So how amazing would it be if I could be this person and help women find a career they love?

For many years I was feeling very lost and confused because I had no clue what I wanted to do in my career.

I ended up hopping from one job to the next, hoping that the next job would be more fulfilling, but it wasn’t.

I also didn’t know what to look for in a new job. I had no idea what I was good at, what truly gives me energy or what I was passionate about.

I knew I wasn’t on the right path, but I didn’t know how to get off it and in which direction to head instead.

All I knew was that I wanted to do something meaningful, exciting, and fulfilling. I wanted to give back to society and contribute to making the world a better place.

I decided to really dig in deep and instead of trying to find the answer somewhere out there I turned inwards. I did a lot of inner work, read many books, followed various life coaching trainings, and started a yoga and meditation practice.

I have always had a passion for psychology and understanding human behaviour.

In my spare time I’ve always been reading books about personal development and what makes people happy in life.

After about two years of soul searching, I suddenly had all the answers. It was as if all the puzzle pieces of my life came together and fell into place, at last! I then combined all my passions, skills and interests which led me to becoming a Career Coach and I never looked back.

Suddenly it all made perfect sense. I have been struggling for so many years myself trying to figure out what kind of job would really make me happy.

During this search I felt extremely lost, and I deeply wished I had someone by my side who could help me figure out what I wanted.

So how amazing would it be if I could be this person and help women find a career they love?


‘Who am I, what are my capabilities and
what do I want?’


Having found my dream career has completely transformed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined before. Every day, I wake up excited and energized, knowing that the work I do aligns perfectly with who I am and what I love. I no longer dread Mondays—in fact, I look forward to them because I know I’ll be doing work that is meaningful and fulfilling.

Gone are the days when I used to feel drained and exhausted after work. Now, I finish my day with a sense of accomplishment and purpose. My job doesn’t feel like a job; it feels like an extension of who I am. I’m using my talents fully, expressing my creativity, and continuously growing both personally and professionally. I’m surrounded by people who inspire me and share my values, and I’m making a real impact in the lives of my clients.

Because I’m so much more fulfilled in my work, my personal life has flourished too. I have more energy to spend quality time with my loved ones, and I’m more present and engaged when I’m with them. I’m no longer distracted by stress or dissatisfaction, which has improved my relationships tremendously. I have the time and mental space to pursue hobbies, stay active, and enjoy the little things in life, whether it’s a walk in the park or a spontaneous weekend getaway.

Financially, I’m in a better place as well. My career aligns with my strengths and passions, which naturally leads to better results and opportunities. I’ve built a life that feels balanced and abundant. I don’t feel like I’m just going through the motions anymore—I’m living with intention, clarity, and confidence.

The most beautiful part is the inner peace I’ve gained. I know I’m on the right path, and that certainty brings so much joy and freedom. I’m no longer searching for answers or feeling stuck—I’ve found what I was looking for, and it has made every part of my life richer, more vibrant, and deeply satisfying.

Having found my dream career has completely transformed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined before. Every day, I wake up excited and energized, knowing that the work I do aligns perfectly with who I am and what I love. I no longer dread Mondays—in fact, I look forward to them because I know I’ll be doing work that is meaningful and fulfilling.

Gone are the days when I used to feel drained and exhausted after work. Now, I finish my day with a sense of accomplishment and purpose. My job doesn’t feel like a job; it feels like an extension of who I am. I’m using my talents fully, expressing my creativity, and continuously growing both personally and professionally. I’m surrounded by people who inspire me and share my values, and I’m making a real impact in the lives of my clients.

Because I’m so much more fulfilled in my work, my personal life has flourished too. I have more energy to spend quality time with my loved ones, and I’m more present and engaged when I’m with them. I’m no longer distracted by stress or dissatisfaction, which has improved my relationships tremendously. I have the time and mental space to pursue hobbies, stay active, and enjoy the little things in life, whether it’s a walk in the park or a spontaneous weekend getaway.

Financially, I’m in a better place as well. My career aligns with my strengths and passions, which naturally leads to better results and opportunities. I’ve built a life that feels balanced and abundant. I don’t feel like I’m just going through the motions anymore—I’m living with intention, clarity, and confidence.

The most beautiful part is the inner peace I’ve gained. I know I’m on the right path, and that certainty brings so much joy and freedom. I’m no longer searching for answers or feeling stuck—I’ve found what I was looking for, and it has made every part of my life richer, more vibrant, and deeply satisfying.

So why work with me?

I am a certified Career Coach and I have a certification in Life Coaching from the Beautiful You Coaching Academy in Australia.
What sets me apart from other career coaches is the deeply personal, empathetic, and tailored approach I bring to each client.
I’ve walked the path myself, I’ve been in your shoes. I know firsthand what it feels like to be stuck, unsure, and unfulfilled in a career that
doesn’t resonate with who you are.
My journey of transformation, from feeling lost to finding my dream career, fuels my coaching. I don’t just offer guidance;
I bring compassion, relatability, and lived experience into our sessions.

I’m not just helping clients find a job; I’m helping them design a life that aligns with their values, passions, and authentic selves.
My coaching isn’t about following a one-size-fits-all process, it’s about meeting you where you are, understanding your unique challenges,
and helping you tap into your true potential. I also prioritize deep self-discovery, going beyond traditional career coaching
by exploring your identity, emotional needs, and personal growth, which in turn shapes your career choices.

Clients often say they feel truly seen, heard, and supported when working with me, as I focus on both the practical steps and the emotional journey.
If you’re looking for someone who’s been in your shoes, who offers a personalized and holistic approach, and who can
help you connect the dots between who you are and the career you want, then working with me will be the right fit.
Together, we’ll create lasting change that empowers you to thrive not just professionally, but in all aspects of your life.

When I felt lost myself, I deeply wished for someone who could help me figure out what I wanted, what I was good at, and help me plan prac-
tical next steps to find my dream business.

Now, sure, I’ve got all the necessary qualifications, but what REALLY matters is I’ve been where you are, and I can help you find your way.

I understand how frustrating it is to not know what you want. To be watching your friends launch lucrative businesses and celebrate exciting careers
while you’re in a job that’s way more stress than bless. To be doing all these things but not finding fulfillment in anything. To be pretending that
you have a healthy overall work-life balance, meanwhile you really don’t have it together at all. To be so frustrated because you are unhappy in your
job, but you don’t know how to move forward.

Together we dive in deep, and you get to know yourself on a whole new level.

When I felt lost myself, I deeply wished for someone who could help me figure out what I wanted, what I was good at, and help me plan practical next steps to find my dream business.

Now, sure, I’ve got all the necessary qualifications, but what REALLY matters is I’ve been where you are, and I can help you find your way.

I understand how frustrating it is to not know what you want. To be watching your friends launch lucrative businesses and celebrate exciting careers while you’re in a job that’s way more stress than bless. To be doing all these things but not finding fulfillment in anything. To be pretending that you have a healthy overall work-life balance, meanwhile you really don’t have it together at all. To be so frustrated because you are unhappy in your job, but you don’t know how to move forward.

Together we dive in deep, and you get to know yourself on a whole new level.

Ok, what about something
more lighthearted!?

Ok, what about something more lighthearted!?


Now it’s your turn sweetheart!

I’m genuinely curious, who are you? What are your dreams and ambitions and what is getting in the way of what you truly want? Do you feel
like life is happening for you or to you?

If you are ready to reach your full potential and have your dream career, then you need to take action, now! There is no right time, there is
no perfect moment. You will not magically wake up one day and have the confidence to achieve your wildest dreams and goals. You need to
decide for yourself that NOW is the time to change, NOW is the time to take action.

Do you want to step up with self-belief and inner confidence and find a career YOU truly love and deserve?

I am here to help and guide you to becoming the best version of yourself and reach your full potential so that you can live the life you love and de-
serve. I would love to hear what your challenges are so we can see whether there’s a click between us and if I can help you get to where you want
to be in life.

I’m genuinely curious, who are you? What are your dreams and ambitions and what is getting in the way of what you truly want? Do you feel like life is happening for you or to you?

If you are ready to reach your full potential and have your dream career, then you need to take action, now! There is no right time, there is no perfect moment. You will not magically wake up one day and have the confidence to achieve your wildest dreams and goals. You need to decide for yourself that NOW is the time to change, NOW is the time to take action.

Do you want to step up with self-belief and inner confidence and find a career YOU truly love and deserve?

I am here to help and guide you to becoming the best version of yourself and reach your full potential so that you can live the life you love and deserve. I would love to hear what your challenges are so we can see whether there’s a click between us and if I can help you get to where you want to be in life.

I have been recognized as one of the Top 16 Coaches in Amsterdam for 2024!

This honor highlights my dedication to helping women achieve their full potential. You can read more about this achievement in the full article here.

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confidence, and mindset matters.

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